Habersham Ninth Grade Academy Home
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Latest News & Announcements
Quarter 2 Honor Roll Lists and Perfect Attendance
Honor Roll, Honor Roll with Distinction and Perfect Attendance have been released for Quarter 2 (October-December).
First Alert Notification
The Habersham County School System ALERT app provides subscribers with real-time notifications on weather alerts, event updates, school closings, and important emergency notifications.
la aplicación FIRST ALERT de las Escuelas del Condado de Habersham
la aplicación FIRST ALERT de las Escuelas del Condado de Habersham ofrece a los suscriptores notificaciones en tiempo real sobre alertas meteorológicas, actualizaciones de eventos, cierres de escuelas y notificaciones de emergencia
Upcoming Events
First Day of School
Time: 8 AM – 3:12 PM
HNGA Open House
Time: 4 PM – 6 PM